
Our team members have featured in podcasts, both as guests and hosts, to discuss issues pertaining to land and water sustainability

The Water Wars

Learning by Proxy with Vivek Srinivasan

With Shreya Nath

A metal water tap. Image by Rajesh Balouria from Pixabay.

Where is Bangalore’s Water?

Climate Emergency by Suno India

With Sneha Richhariya

Bengaluru water balance: Illustration depicting the flows and stores of water in Bengaluru city.

How Can Bengaluru Achieve Water Resilience?

In Focus Podcast by The Hindu

With G Sampath

A panorama of Jakkur Lake, Bengaluru

Reconstructing Narratives: Water, Land, Sustainability

The Krea University Podcast

With Veena Srinivasan

Rpresentational image of  a water tap next to plants. Photo credit: Pixabay

Corporate Water Stewardship and Data

The Water Data Podcast

With Jason Morrison and Hari Hegde

Representational image of a water pipeline. Photo credit: Pixabay

Water Data for Water Quality and Public Health

The Water Data Podcast

With Dr Sunderrajan Krishnan and Ranjiv Khush

Water Data and Agriculture

The Water Data Podcast

With Jagdeesh Rao, Jasmer Dhingra and Kunal Prasad

The Importance of Water Data

The Water Data Podcast

With Peter Gleick and Rohini Nilekani