Exploring the use of data and models in transboundary water governance

This study highlights how data and models in transboundary water governance require sensitive, context-aware application, emphasizing political realities, local engagement, and transdisciplinary collaboration for successful cooperation.

Feb 5, 2024

Photo: The River Indus, a transboundary river in South Asia, whose waters are shared by India and Pakistan under the Indus Waters Treaty, 1960. Credit: Imtiyaz Ali, Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY-SA-3.0

Bridging science, politics, and practice, Veena Srinivasan and her co-authors write in a special issue of Water International to uncover real-world challenges and insights from using data and models to navigate cooperation, conflict, and complexity in transboundary water governance. 

Published in Water International, Volume 48, 2023, Issue – 8.

This special issue explores how data and models are used in transboundary water governance and the political, technical, and social challenges that come with them.

As water crosses administrative borders, sharing reliable data is essential but complicated by national sensitivities and institutional barriers. With increasing reliance on remote sensing, AI, and digital tools, the issue showcases global case studies that reflect both opportunities and limitations in data-driven cooperation.

Examples span from Africa’s Lake Victoria to the Colorado and Cauvery Rivers, illustrating the importance of early stakeholder engagement, communication, and sensitivity to local contexts. A key lesson is that models and data tools should not be imposed top-down but co-developed with national and local actors.

The issue also emphasizes the need for transdisciplinary approaches that combine technical expertise with social and political understanding. By grounding science in practice, this collection aims to inspire more transparent, inclusive, and context-aware approaches to managing shared water resources.



Authored by Rozemarijn ter Horst, Veena Srinivasan, Kevin Wheeler, Jos Timmerman and Pieter van der Zaag

The journal article can be cited as: ter Horst, Rozemarijn, Veena Srinivasan, Kevin Wheeler, Jos Timmerman, and Pieter van der Zaag. “Exploring the use of data and models in transboundary water governance.” Water International 48, no. 8 (2023): 909-914.

Uploaded by Pavan Srinath

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